Wendy’s @ NASCAR Chicago Street Race

services deployed

creative direction

environmental design + branding

fabrication + installation

project management

Doing a NASCAR race in the streets of Chicago is no easy task — but NASCAR established an event that was not just a race in Chicago but an event about and for the Windy City. It was a unique opportunity for bands to integrate into one of the world’s most recognizable cities on a global scale.

Wendy’s enlisted No Hot Ashes to find a way to reach their customers in a one-of-a-kind way. We identified a unique brand integration, turn an iconic Chicago landmark — the iconic L-train and the Adams/Wabash Station into an OOH activation. Influencers and NASCAR drivers participated in the activation including NASCAR driver Noah Grayson who took a media filled branded-train ride. NASCAR took home honors for ‘Event of the Year’ for the first-ever Chicago Street Race during the 2024 Sports Business Awards, and the Wendy’s L-train activation drove millions of media impressions for the brand.

our task

A first-ever event required a first-ever brand activation. Wendy’s wanted a bold and memorable activation that stayed true to the spirit and culture of Chicago. We identified a variety of landmarks, but we wanted an always-on storytelling mechanism for Wendy’s customers and NASCAR fans throughout the race weekend.


We brainstormed a few out-of-the-box concepts with Wendy’s to explore what was possible. We landed on a takeover of the iconic L-train and turn the Adams/Wabash Station into an OOH activation. This included creative design, wrapping of the train, brand ambassadors distributing product, and other content creation strategies to maximize reach. Over 600,000 riders use the Chicago’s L train system daily, and it’s an integral part of the city — allowing for a low-lift, but large reach opportunity.

We branded the L-train with Wendy’s messaging focused on their Baconator campaign. This always-on activation provided 24-hours of OOH campaign marketing for Wendy’s throughout NASCAR’s Chicago Street Race. Additionally, social influencers and NASCAR drivers participated in the activation to boost reach. For example, NASCAR driver Noah Grayson took a media filled train ride documenting and sharing the experience. Also, NBC featured the train during the race’s broadcast providing more brand visibility for the campaign.

NASCAR took home honors for ‘Event of the Year’ for the first-ever Chicago Street Race during the 2024 Sports Business Awards, and the Wendy’s L-train was a standout activation at the event that drove millions of media impressions for the brand’s campaign.

Hungry for more details or have a campaign you would like to discuss?


Ideas Drive Capital One
