Interactive Product Explorer @ IMTS

services deployed

experience / content strategy

creative direction

user experience design

software development

spatial concept + design

customer experience


Sometimes a physical activation is not an option. In response to the challenges of the pandemic, OGP, a leading metrology equipment manufacturer, enlisted No Hot Ashes to create a digital, interactive product experience for their customers for the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS).

Supply chain issues and increased customer demand prevented OGP from bringing a physical version of their flagship model to the event. To overcome this, we developed a dynamic interactive station that featured over 10 equipment families and 50 individual models, allowing for 360-degree manipulation, custom software integration, sensor data visualization, and in-action animations. The success of this solution led to its adoption across OGP's international sales, product, and marketing teams for field use.

our task

For OGP, the foremost metrology equipment manufacturer attending IMTS after the pandemic posed a couple of challenges. As supply chain issues mounted and customer sales increased the marketing team realized they would not be able to bring a physical version of their flagship model to their most important customer event.


We worked directly with the team to pivot quickly aware from a physical activation and develop an interactive product experience for their customers. A dynamic, digital interactive station was designed and fabricated to accommodate a full digitization of over 10 equipment families and over 50 individual models.

Each model contains specific informational hotspots, 360-degree manipulation, custom software and sensor data and in-action animations.

The success of the explorer has seen the interactive experience rolled out to the entire international OGP sales, product and marketing teams for their use in the field.

Exploring a standalone digital activation for your customers? Are you pairing a digital experience with a physical activation?


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